Sunday, August 13, 2006

Starting form

I. Put Qi into Dantian

1. Stand with feet apart. Straighten and relax body. Breathe normally. Look straight ahead, half open the eyes, close mouth gently, let the tip of the tongue touch the ridge behind the upper front teeth. Empty your mind of all distractions.

2. Inhale, raise the arms in front of your body until they reach shoulder level.

3. Exhale, drop arms.

4. Inhale, raise arms to the sides at shoulder level.

5. Bend the knees until squatting, hold Qi, straighten body and lift arms over the head (named "Hold Qi” in brief).

6. Exhale, move Qi downward.

7. Concentrate on Dantian. Tense the abdomen, contract the muscles around the genitals and anus, clench the teeth while breathe normally (named “lifting the kidney-Qi by internal movement”). Do this three times.

II. Exhalation and Inhalation

1. Stretch arms forward and raise them while inhaling slowly.

2. While inhaling, stretch the raised arms all the way to the sides, raise the head and look up. Straighten body and move hands together and lace fingers over the head (the right hand over the left).

3. Exhale, drop hands to occiput and make Laogong touch the Fengchi point.

4. Inhale first, then exhaling and bend forward until your eyes concentrate on Yongquan.

5. Making deep and long inhalation while straightening body, aware of a stream of consciousness (Qi) going up to Laogong from Yongquan, along the lower limbs and back slowly, reaching Laogong. Repeat several times.

6. Drops arms to middle jiao for moving Qi of Lung Meridian.

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