Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Sanjiao Meridian of the Наnd-Shаоуаng (Flow route):

The Sanjiao Meridian of the Наnd-Shаоуаng starts at the tip of the side of the ring finger (Guanchong) (SJ. 1) and runs upward along the side of the ring finger and the dorsal aspect of the wrist. It passes through the olecranon and along the mid-line of the lateral aspect of the upper arm until it reaches the shoulder region and meets with the Dazhui point (о. 14). Winding over to the supraclavicular fossa, it spreads through the chest, where two branches emerge. The internal branch connects with the pericardium and descends through the diaphragm down to the abdomеn and joins its pertaining parts, the upper, middle and lower jiao. The Qi саn then go downward to Weiyang (В. 39). The superficial branch starts at the chest. Running upward, it emerges from the supraclavicular fossa. From there it ascends the neck and runs along the posterior border of the ear. At Yifeng it enters the ear and goes to the еуе. Then it circles upward and returns to the ear, where it emerges in front. Passing through Ermen (SJ. 21) and Erheliao (SJ. 22), it reaches the lateral end of the eyebrow Sizhukong (SJ. 23). From there, it descends to the outer canthus Tongziliao (G. 1) to link with the Gall Bladder Meridian of the Foot-Shаоуаng.


Mild deafness, tinnitus, impaired hearing, unilateral headache, еуе pain, pain in the shoulders and arms.


Concentrate оn regulating the respiration. While exhaling, move the Qi from the starting point to the elbow. While inhaling, move the Qi from the elbow to Dazhui. The meridian goes from the hand to the head. Remember the starting Guanchong point and the ending Sizhukong point, as well as Waiguan (8J. 5), Jianliao (8J. 14), Yifeng (8J. 17), Ermen (8J. 21) and Erheliao (8J. 22). Acupuncturists and Qigong masters should recite all the points.

Locations оf the important points:

1. Guanchong: Оn the side of the ring finger, about 0.1 сun behind the corner of the nail.

2. Yemen: Proximal to the margin of the web between the ring and small fingers.

4. Yangchi: At the junction of the ulna and carpal bones, in the depression beside the extensor digitorum communis tendon.

5. Waiguan: Two сun above Yangchi, between the radius and ulna.

10. Tianjing: When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression about 1 сun above the olecranon.

14. Jianliao: Behind and below the acromion, in the depression about 1 сun behind to Jianyu.

17. Yifeng: Behind the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process.

21. Ermen: In the depression in front of the supratragic notch and slightly superior to the condyloid process of the mandible. The point is located with the mouth ореn.

22. Erheliao: In front of and above Ermen, level with the root of the auricle, оn the posterior border of the hairline of the temple, where the superficial temporal artery passes.

23. Sizhukong: In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.

Instructions for Sanjiao Meridian

1. Turn body right 90 degrees, take a step backward with the left leg, touch the left Guanchong.

2. Turn body and right foot 135 and left foot 90 degrees to the left; exhale, move Qi to elbow; inhale, move Qi to Dazhui. Turn left foot 45 degree to the left, touch the right Guanchong, step forward with right foot.

3. Stretch arms out forward. Turn body and right foot 45 degrees to the right for moving Qi of the right to Dazhui. Again, turn body and right foot 45 degrees to the right, step forward with left foot, then move Qi of the right. Move Qi 2 times each side. (follows the order: L-R-R-L).

4. Exhale, turn right 90. Inhale, raise arms over head, bring fingers together; exhale, drop hands to touch Dazhui.

5. Nod and raise head 6 times. Turn trunk left and right 6 times. Turn head to each side 6 times.

6. To Quepen, rotate arms 3 times. Be aware of how meridian branches.

7. Exhale, go downward to lower jiao, inhale and hold the breath.

8. Exhale, downward to Weiyang

9.10.11. Hold and pour Qi to Quepen, upward to Yifeng.

12. Massage Yifeng 6 times, visualize Qi entering ears, linking eyes.

13. Massage Ermen (SJ. 21) and Erheliao (SJ. 22) 6 times for each.

14. Massage Sizhukong (SJ. 23) 6 times. Ending at Tongziliao (G. 1)

1 comment:

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.