Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Bladder Meridian of the Foot-Taiyang (Flow route):

The Bladder Meridian of the Foot-Taiyang starts from the inner canthus (Jingming В. 1). Ascending to the forehead and passing the medial end of the eyebrow (Zanzhu, В. 2), it joints the Du Meridian at the vertex (top of the head). Proceeding downward, it reaches the Tianzhu point (В. 10). From there, the meridian branches into two. The internal оле meets Dazhui (D. 14). The two branches (оnе is 2.5 сun and the other is 3 сun away from the vertebral соluтn) сun downward alongside the vertebral column. At the kidney region, оле branch enters the body cavity to connect with the .kidneys аnа join its pertaining organ. Descending from the kidney region, this branch meets the other branch in the popliteal fossa (behind the knees) (Weizhong, В. 40). Continuing downward along the posterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia, the meridian reaches the lateral side of the tip of the little toe (Zhiyin, В. 67). From Zhiyin, the end point, it goes to the bottom of the foot, where it links with the Kidney Meridian of the Foot-Shаоуin.


As the meridian goes from the head to the foot, and the internal organs (Zang-fu organs) have -their Shu points in the back region, this is the most important meridian for regulating the functions of the viscera. Points оn the meridian асе also used to treat pain in .the head, neck, lumbar, and sacral region of the back and the joints in the lower limbs. The meridian has the particular function of invigorating the kidneys, strengthening Yang, and regulating the function of the urinary bladder. It is also effective in the treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation, hemorrhoids and hypogonadia.


While practicing, concentrate оn massaging the points оn the head. Contract the muscles of the anus and genitals and clench the teeth while lifting the kidney Qi.

Ве clearly aware of the route of the meridian: two branches emerge at Tianzhu (В. 10) where the internal one goes to meet Dazhui (D. 14); then the two branches meet together in the popliteal fossa (behind the knees). Remember the starting point and the ending points (Jingming and Zhiyin), in addition to Zanzhu (В. 2) , Tianzhu (В. 10), Shenshu (В. 23). Weizhong (В. 40), and Zhishi (В. 52). Уоu should know the Shu points in the back region. Acupuncturists and Qigong masters should remember all the points and go through them silently while moving the Qi.

Location оf the important points:

1. Jingming: Just 0.1 сun above the inner canthus.

2. Zanzhu: Оn the medial extremity of the eyebrow, or оn the supra-orbital notch.

10. Tianzhu: About 1.3 сun to the side of Уащеn (D. 15), behind the back hairline, оn the side of the trapezius muscle.

23. Shenzhu: About 1.5 сun to the side of the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra.

40. Weizhong: Mid-point of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa.

60. Kunlun: In the depression between the external malleolus and tendo calcaneus.

67. Zhiyin: Оn the lateral side of the small toe, about 0.1 сun behind the corner of the nail.

Instructions for Bladder Meridian Massage Jingming, Zanzhu, Baihui, Tianzhu and the path on the skull from Zanzhu to Tianzhu 6 times. Rotate Dazhui 12 circles.

5.6. Inhale, stretch arms out wide with palms faced down, exhale and gradually bend over and turn palms face up, put hands on the back. Inhale, straighten body and move Qi downward on the back.

7. Reach Shenshu, lifting the Kidney-Qi 3 times

8. Move to urinary bladder, lifting the Kidney-Qi 3 times

9. Return to Kidneys, exhale and move downward to Zhiyin by passing Weizhong.

10.11.12. Hold Qi and massage the path on the skull from Zanzhu to Tianzhu 6 times, rotate Dazhui 12 circles. Inhale, stretch arms out wide with palms faced down, exhale and gradually bend over and turn palms face up, put hands on the back. Inhale, straigten body and move Qi downward on the back. Reach Shenshu, lifting the Kidney-Qi 3 times. Move to urinary bladder, lifting the Kidney-Qi 3 times. Return to Kidneys, exhale and move downward to ending at Zhiyin.

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