Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A case study of simultaneous recovery from multiple physical symptoms with medical qigong therapy.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.

BACKGROUND: It is well known that qigong practice is beneficial to human health, but it is less known, even in China, that qigong may also be an effective therapy to treat various diseases. This report documents the story of a 58-year-old Caucasian male patient with a series of chronic conditions, including high prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels (but not a confirmed cancer), atrial septal defect, asthma, allergies, multiple injuries following an automobile accident, high blood pressure, and edema in the legs. Can medical qigong help such a patient to cure multiple symptoms simultaneously? METHOD: The intensive qigong workshop involved the training and practice of gathering qi, magnifying qi energy and using it for self-healing with visualization and guided imaginary; plus supervised energetic fasting. The patient practiced qigong 4-plus hours per day during intensive training, and approximately 1 to 2 hours daily thereafter. About 10 sessions of external qi healing were performed by a qigong master for his pain and systematic adjustment. Settings/Location: The intensive medical qigong workshop took place in the World Institute for Self-Healing, Inc. (WISH) office at Middlesex, NJ; and the patient practiced qigong at home for the rest of time. RESULTS: After the workshop and qigong therapy, the patient discontinued all medications (8 in total) and lost 35 pounds; his blood pressure dropped from 220/110 with medication to 120/75 without medication (in 2 weeks); pulse rate dropped from 88 beats per minute resting to 68 beats per minute in the mornings and 55 bpm in the evening; the edema in his legs went away; symptoms of asthma or allergies disappeared; the PSA level dropped from 11 to 4 (normal), all without any medications. CONCLUSION: This kind of simultaneous recovery from multiple "incurable" conditions and other documented successes cannot be explained by any known medical theories, and call for formal clinical trials to closely examine the qigong self-healing therapy.

PMID: 15025889 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Feb;10(1):159-62.

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