Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Pericardium Meridian of the Наnd-Juеуin (Flow route):

The Pericardium Meridian of the Наnd-Juеуin starts from the chest. Beginning there, it enters the pericardium sac surrounding the heart, its pertaining organ. Then it descends through the diaphragm to the abdomen connecting successively with the upper, middle and lower jiao. Then as it returns to the pericardium, it runs alongside the esophagus. The meridian goes uр until it links with the eyes and enters the brain. The superficial meridian arises from the chest and run inside the chest emerging from the rib region at the Tiai1chi point (Р. 1), 1 сun to the side of the nipple and ascending to the axilla. Running downward along the mid-line of the medial aspect of the arm, it reaches the tip of the middle finger (Zhongchong, ~. 9)

А branch arises from the palm at Laogong (Р.8) and runs along the ring finger to its tip to Iink with the Sanjiao Meridian of the Наnd-Shаоуаng.


Cardiac pain, palpitation, irritability, insomnia, distension of the chest and the hypochondria region, feverish sensation in the palms, neurasthenia and dream-disturbed sleep.


Concentrate оn regulating the heart, the respiration, the Qi and the strength. The mind follows the Qi as it is moved along the meridian. Combine the Qi and the strength.

The meridian goes from the chest to the hand along the mid-line оf the medial aspect of the arm. Remember the starting point Tianchi and the ending point Zhongchong, besides Neiguan (Р. 6) and Laogong (Р. 8). Bе very clear about the two following key points:

1. The meridian ascends from the pericardium to link with the eyes and enter the brain.

2. А branch emerges at Laogong and goes along the medial side of the ring finger. There are altogether ninе points. Those who are acupuncturists and Qigong masters should recite all these points while moving the Qi along the meridian.

Location of the important points:

1. Tianchi: Оnе сun lateral to the nipple, in the fourth intercostal space.

з. Quze: Оn the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar side of the biceps brachii tendon.

6. Neiquan; Two сun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis tendons.

7. Daling: In the depression in the middle of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radia1is tendons.

8. Laogong: When the hand is placed with the раlm upward, the point is between the second and third metacarpal bones, proximal to the metcarpophalangeal joint, оn the radial side of the third metacarpal bоnе.

9. Zhongchong: In the center of the tip of the middle finger.

Instructions for Pericardium Meridian

1. Starts from the chest, inhale, raise hands slightly.

2.3. Exhale, down hands to lower jiao; Inhale, raise hands to pericardium, through esophagus to link eyes and enter brain.

4. Massage eyeballs 6 times.

5.6. Hold and pour Qi into pericardium. Move to Tianchi and rotate arms 3 times.

7. Inhale, stretch arms to the side with the middle fingers extended, the mind runs along the routes to Zhongchong.

8.9. Turn body right for moving Qi of the left 2 times (similar to moving Qi of Heart Meridian). Then, move Qi of the right 2 times.

10. Inhale, raise arms over the head, then drop to chest for moving Qi from Laogong to Guanchong.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Thank you so much for posting this information. I've been practicing various forms of Qigong recently, studying the meridians, and I just got a series of charts to work with. Your descriptions coupled with the charts and the exercises you've detailed should play a large part in making me one healthy fighter. Are all the meridians covered in here?